Hola! Li ho! Ni hao! svotyka! anehaseyo! I can't think of any others at the moment...
it sounds like things are going pretty fun over in the land of Turkey
and mashed potatoes! It's the first time I can honestly say I miss American food... we sort of celebrated Thanksgiving over here, but it's
just not the same without those American specialties. Mom's mashed
potatoes, Grandpa's pumpkin pie, Aunt Francie's chocolate and banana
cream pies, the salads and endless delicacies at Aunt Sherrie's place, I
suppose Grandpa Happymeal's banana bread is being incredibly missed at
this time as well! We (the 4 daya elders, Elder M, Elder T,
Elder C and I) went to KFC, the closest place we could find with
somewhat americanized poultry, and totally pigged out. Then we headed
over to McDonalds to pig out on apple pies and Ice cream. That was about
as "Thanksgivingy" as it got over here! Pretty much a blast!!
Super awesome week! just like every other!
I really liked this week, on a spiritual note, came from a Young Women
as she shared her Testimony in Church yesterday. She said: "Crying
doesn't solve anything. We must face our trials bravely." It made me
think of the Book of Mormon, how Laman and Lemual are always 'crying'
about what they have to do or how hard something is. If we will just man
up, deal with our issues and go forth with Faith, God can work some
SERIOUS miracles. We will also change for good. We will become stronger
and gain experience. I testify that these principles are true! I've seen
them so many times out here, and I've personally gone through many
strengthening trials. I'm so grateful that I have a Father in Heaven who
is able and willing to test me in order to help me grow. Don't worry.
Be happy. (yes, just like the song.) Go forth, and be epic.
Love, Elder Noll
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