So, the week started out with an AWESOME exchange. I stayed in
Caotun with a new Elder from Yuanlin, and he's a total stud. He wrestled
and boxed in High School, and he's a totally awesome guy! Totally chill,
and a hard worker! We had a great exchange, and stayed up late into the
night just talking about the glory days... wrestling tournaments,
college stories, mission stories and then talked about the future for a
long time! It was so much fun!
On Wednesday, we met with a really awesome
investigator. He pretty much has no interest in what we're sharing right
now, but he has some real potential! His wife is a member from Costa
Rica!! She's pretty less active, but she has a great testimony and we
love meeting with their family. We had a great lesson about the Word of
Wisdom and why it is that we don't drink tea... he didn't really
understand WHY we actually keep this commandment, but as we were
teaching him, I realized something. There are so many different
scriptures and prophecies that say some thing to the effect of: "you
will not be confounded before men..." and I've seen those scriptures and
prophecies fulfilled. This man was to the point of yelling and
rejecting our every teaching, but we were able to calmly quiet him down
and allow the Spirit to come into the home. It was a really special
experience for me!
On Thursday we all got together for a Zone
Conference!!! We had a wonderful opportunity to go to Zhanghua and have a
pretty awesome training meeting. I was invited to conduct the
meeting... THAT was a little crazy! haha, it was pretty weird to be
conducting a meeting!!
Okay, I gotta take off and do some work really quick...
the new operations manager, so now my time isn't as steady as it used
to be. My new P-day is going to be on Saturdays! I'm SUPER nervous to
start this new job, but I'm really excited! I get to work with President
and Sister Blickenstaff a LOT and I'll probably get to use Facebook and
all that stuff too! I don't have a whole lot of time right now, but
I'll probably find a way to talk to you guys later... the phone call
President gave me when he told me I'd move into the office was pretty
comical... You'll love it! Sorry guys! I wish I could talk longer! Love
you all tons!!!
Love, Elder Noll
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