Taichung Time

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 14, 2013

Hello outside world... I'm alive! I survived the typhoon! It hit pretty hard, but more on that later!

Well, it's certainly been quite the week! Baptismal Interviews, the most incredible companion exchange I've had so far, Typhoons, a swimming pool in our changing room, and we have an extra person in our companionship now! We've got a 17 year old short term missionary serving with us! So, I'll just start from the beginning!

     We met a family the first day that I got here in Daya. They own a tiny stationary store right next to our chapel and we started visiting them at least 5 times a week to friendship them and help them understand the gospel... that's just what we Missionaries do... They love us a lot! The mom is christian, but her husband is super hardcore Daoist and didn't even know that we would go over to visit the family. They have a son who is 17 though, and every time I talk with him, he reminds me so much of Jessi. He's a stud when it comes to basketball, he's pretty built too, but he's really humble and very polite whenever he interacts with people. There are a lot more similarities, but my point is, is I just love to be around him! We've been working with them for the past 4 weeks, and this 17 year old is now getting baptized on Saturday!!! He just passed his interview and has even picked out the details for the service on Saturday night! Oh guys, hearing about Grandpa's baptism makes me so happy! I'm seriously just shaking with joy right now! I'm also so happy that you all got a chance to experience the INCREDIBLE feeling of watching that someone you love enter that water! It's incredible! I still remember watching Steph and Alec get baptized and now I have multiple other complete strangers (now they're my brothers and sisters) to add to my memories. These are things that will never be forgotten, and they were meant to happen. I know that we prepared for these special moments in the pre-mortal life! 

     Taking a break from the Spiritual instances this week, let's discuss the most incredible experience (not even close, but it made me super happy) I've had so far. On Tuesday, I had to conduct a companion exchange with our Zone Leaders. I decided to go over into their area to see how things were going, and after a nice long day of lessons, we finally got to their house to end the day... but what to my surprise when the door opened and sitting on a little patio was a full on bench press set with a real barbell and a full set of plates!! I think I may have cried a little bit! I finished all my nightly duties and then just kind of gravitated over towards the weights. Of course, what did I do next? Maxed out. I had to see how much I've lost! I've only lost about 25 pounds on my max though! I got up 275 pretty easily! I'm gonna try for 300 next time... pray for me. ;)
     Another pretty fun experience was the typhoon! It hit Taipei the hardest, but we still got it pretty hard down here. The winds were absolutely astounding, and I've never seen it rain so hard in my life! We woke up, and as I stepped outside, I noticed my feet were wet... our changing room was totally flooded and water was spraying (yes, spraying, not leaking) through the windows! I started going into Dad mode as I freaked out and started trying to take care of the problem! My poor companion didn't really know what to do, so he just sat on the bed and watched me fly around the house (we found another room that was flooding, so I was going back and forth between the two) with the FOUR towels that we had, trying to stop the flow. After about 2 hours of this, it started to look a little better. Everything was moved out of the rooms, so no big damage, and the water was being controlled... kind of. But I found out it was also pooring through an electrical outlet... super safe. It took us, and by us I mean me, the better part of the day to fix the problem. I ran out of dry materials to use, so I stuffed tissues into the cracks of the windows and it actually worked! haha... the only damage that really happened was to our changing rooms paint job... it's totally ruined, but everything else is fine!

     Oh yeah, we've got a short term missionary! Our stake is doing an activity for the youth... Each companionship in my Zone has a young man or young woman serving with them right now. It's a pretty awesome activity! I think it would be pretty cool for Jessi to look into when, and if, he ever has time... Our guy is named Elder S. He's a stud! 

Well, my thought today has to do with the flooding experience. As I was taking care of the problem, the thought came to my head multiple times to just stop and let it be. I wanted to just give up and call the office to come and save us. But each time that I thought this, I would think to myself about the suffering of Christ in Gethsemane. The pain He felt there can in NO WAY be compared to any earthly thing, let alone this small problem we had, but I thought of it nonetheless. What would the world be like today if He had given up? If He had sat back and NOT drank of that bitter cup? Christ is the ultimate example of all things. His Diligence and ability to persevere are supreme. I've learned a little bit of what it means to persevere through out my life. From those times in the 4th quarter when your team is down, your body is sore and you just don't want to continue or those times when you have 1 minute left in a wrestling match and 145 pounds of stinky muscle is pinning you to the ground... Those days when your house is falling apart "as the rains come down and the floods come up..." When these things happen, let's ask ourselves a question... "What is our foundation?" Is it rock or sand, worldly or of Heaven? If we are built upon the Rock of our Redeemer we need not worry. We will be able to withstand all the fiery darts of the adversary and no matter how dark the setting, no matter how bleak the situation, WE WILL PERSEVERE.  Hold on guys, don't ever let go of this lifeline that we call the Gospel of Jesus Christ, It will pull you through.

Loves! Elder Noll

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